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SeeWe offer attractive management package to SMEs, contact our representatives now to find out more!

Our services
Step 1 - Recruitment

SeeWe enjoys a well-established recruitment process to search, identify and recruit the most suitable candidate to fulfil your staffing requirements.

SeeWe staff remote Recruitment and HR management

1. Job Description

We recommend a detailed job description to meet your staff requirement or modify your own job description to suit the local standard.

SeeWe staff remote Recruitment and HR management

2. Candidate Search

A thorough search in local recruitment platform to select some suitable candidates that meet your staff requirements. 

SeeWe staff remote Recruitment and HR management

3. Job Interview

SeeWe carry out initial interview to ensure the most appropriate candidate is identified for the final interview with the employer.

SeeWe staff remote Recruitment and HR management

4. Remuneration Negotiation

We negotiate the remuneration package with the selected candidate to satisfy both employer and employee expectation.

We employ state-of-the-art technology to allow company anywhere in the world to manage a dedicated team in Kuala Lumpur efficiently and economically

Brighten Business Consulting Limited

Recruitment | HR | Outsourcing Services

Contact Us

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: (852) 3990 0449

Address: Room 803 No.4-5 Knutsford Terrace, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong


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